Alan Friedman Company Jewelry respects your concerns about privacy and value the relationship we have with you. This Privacy Policy section describes how me might use you contact information that we collect on the site. We also take great measures to ensure that your information is well protected and secure. In addition, we describe the choices you can make about how we use the information you provide to us. We also invite you to contact us to update your contact information any time, remove your name from our mailing lists, or ask any questions you may have about our privacy practices.
When you inquire about a specific piece or maybe just a general question, we need to have some sort of contact information such as an "email address" to respond to. That contact information along with the type of inquiry you made might get stored by Alan Friedman Company Jewelry and its affiliates for future promotional purposes. Such purposes include but are not limited to promotional emails that pertain to you.
You can at anytime contact Alan Friedman Company Jewelry through our Contact Page if you wish to not be contacted anymore for any promotional purposes. All you need to do is to include your full name and contact information in your request. Shorty after that Alan Friedman Company Jewelry will ensure you are removed from any promotional database.
If you have any further questions at all regarding our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us through our Contact Page.